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Page history last edited by Linda Hays-Gibbs 9 years, 5 months ago

 http://www.eternalpress.biz/people.php?author=493Read my reviews of books at The Romance Reviews!

Angel in My Heart, Devil in My Soul trailer by Trevor.m4v Thank youinterview on my blog: http://www.lindahaysgibbs.blogspot.com Barbara Winkes on my blog

Take a look at my interview today with check out my books on Amazon:  http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007JK4SLQ


Heres a new review


Also listed here right now

http://topsellers.ebook-eros.com/ebook_category/topebook/FIC027070/1.htmlAngel in My Heart, Devil in My Soul trailer by Trevor.m4v

I'm excited

I won November PNH Book of the Month.  I won, I won, I won.

New today with Morgen Bailey:  http://morgenbailey.wordpress.com/2012/06/08/author-interview-no-394-with-multi-genre-writer-linda-hays-gibbs/   GREAT INTERVIEW

*** Got a interview with Rachael Brimble:http://rachelbrimble.blogspot.co.uk/  I will give away a free ebook of my book "My Angel, My Light As Darkness Falls" to the best comment or question!!

http://rachelbrimble.blogspot.co.uk/  On the 19th I had a promo with Rachael . . . it was a lot of fun also still debating about vampires versus werewovles at :http://naomijay.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/werewolves-versus-vampires-linda-hayes.html


http://www.ck2skwipsandkritiques.com/2012/04/18/review-my-angel-my-light-as-darkness-falls-by-linda-hays-gibb/     REVIEW:

On the eve of the battle of Waterloo, Lady Pru was led out to the ballroom by her fraternal twin brother Michael David Densington White, sixth Earl of White. Even though Pru had not been formerly brought out yet, the stress of being shut up waiting for Bonaparte’s army to initiate the battle led to those waiting to let off steam, find joy and celebrate before the battle. Michael, ever protective did not like the attention Pru was getting from his friend Fearghass MacDonald, the Duke of Somerled but allowed Fearghass one dance with his sister, one dance and one stolen kiss that was enough for Fearghass to proclaim he wished to make Pru his Duchess once the battle was over.

When the battle ended and Michael did not return for her, Pru could not be persuaded to leave until she found Michael and went to the battlefield, a sea of blood and carnage where she walked, stumbled and searched for her brother’s body. When found just before nightfall, she sank down and cradled her brothers body and screamed and raged throughout the night. However, a French soldier saw her and rather than flee as he should have – as the night grew colder he drew her into his arms as she finally slept – keeping Pru warm and safe from the evil that stalked the night.

*** This short novella was a most unusual paranormal regency romance with vampires and ghosts. I picked this up on a whim, because of the mention of ghosts and found it to be an utterly and totally engrossing story. The title of MY ANGEL, MY LIGHT AS DARKNESS FALLS was unusual to say the least but from the first few pages I was hooked.

Pru and her brother were orphaned and being twins they had a special bond – the author put that to excellent use in later showing how much love there was between the two. Describing Pru’s heartache and devastation so extreme for a young girl who had never had to fend for herself. Michael had protected and provided for her every need. Pru was delicate, dainty and so beautiful it took most peoples breath away – beautiful and pure. With this in mind the author was able to portray, how such a fragile young woman survived, with the help of a few new friends, including a devoted heart-sick French soldier; a huge protective dog; a confused ghost; and help from the great beyond as goodness versus evil in a most wonderful and provocative tale with an ending I found to be FANTASTIC. Talk about a nice twist!

I don’t want to spoil the surprises of this marvelous tale by giving any more spoilers away, but the bottom line is that I was moved, emotionally and spiritually by the prose and beautiful imagery this author was able to convey. I strongly suggest and highly recommend that most readers of both historical and paranormal will find a lot to love in this beautifully rendered story.

Marilyn Rondeau, for www.ck2skwipsandkritiques.com


Hi, everyone. I have Eternal Press’s own Linda Hays-Gibbs as my guest at Spinning Pearls. If you’d like to hear more about Linda’s delightful novel My Angel My Light as Darkness Falls, and why Linda describes her heroine Pru as a “work in progress”, pop along to http://spinningpearls.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/interview-with-linda-hays-gibbs.html buy book at http://eternalpress.biz and amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com David B. Silva has article on me at:   http://hellnotes.com/

REVIEW:  My Angel, My Light As Darkness Falls is a moving tale that generates tears, and at times, chills and laughter. Pru is an endearing character magnificently penned. She strikes a chord in the reader's heart, and stays permanently grounded. Amidst the heartache, trepidation, and extreme pain, Ms. Hays-Gibbs is able to instill a bit of humor throughout the journey, which to me, made the book life-like. At times, we all need some humor in our lives, especially when our future sometimes looks foreboding. Good writing, extraordinary pacing throughout, and a story that I found positively exhilarating, intense and riveting.
v=LDjuhb5n9L4&feature=youtube_gdata_player    http://thepenmuse.net/p=4382   http://www.youtube.com/watch


 http://suzanne-brandyn.blogspot.com.auwww.eternalpressauthors.  ISBN 978-1-61572-602-8 ebook &

 978-1-61572-603-5 for print  www.lindahaysgibbs.blogspot.com Innocent Hearts  buy at www.amazon.com  www.barnesandnoble.com www.eternalpress.biz

Thanks to my Publisher Eternal Press: I want to thank Kim Richards,Publisher Sally Odgers, editor Amanda Kelsey for great cover art emails rosedru@aol.com  www.lindahaysgibbs@gmail.com

 I am Linda D. Hays-Gibbs and I am so excited that you have visited my page. http://www.eternalpress.biz


Angel in My Heart, Devil in My Soul trailer by Trevor.m4v COMING IN NOVEMBER MY NEW PARANORMAL ROMANCE!!!!
 Got an interview today. Hope over and give a comment. kerriwilliams-writerofromance.blogspot.com/2012/06/author-under-spotlight-with-linda-hays.html?m=1
Thanks for supporting me.
 Linda Hays-Gibbs
 My Angel, My Light As Darkness Fall <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/uxIfa1z37XU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>  

Are you afraid of Ghosts? Do you Fear them? ..then it must be Fearghass.


http://www.lybrary.com/linda-haysgibbs-m-102548.html         Hey guys!
 Got an interview today. Hope over and give a comment. kerriwilliams-writerofromance.blogspot.com/2012/06/author-under-spotlight-with-linda-hays.html?m=1
Thanks for supporting me.
 Linda Hays-Gibbs
 My Angel, My Light As Darkness Fall       




My Angel, My Light As Darkness Falls        

This review is from: My Angel, My Light As Darkness Falls (Kindle Edition) The battlefields rob innocent young Pru of her beloved twin, her Scottish admirer and her future. One day she is a young lady enjoying a ball; all too soon after she is wandering through the carnage seeking two bodies among the multitude. But she is not alone. A great dog howls a dirge, and a half-crazed Frenchman watches Pru with hungry fascination. In the aftermath, Pru returns to a home that is no longer hers, and then moves on to a deserted house. With Knight, the dog whom she has adopted, she tries to overcome her nightmares but again she is not alone.
This sounds as if the story is one of unrelenting misery, but nothing could be further from the truth. Once Pru is over the initial shock and horror, she is a resourceful young woman and she really needs to be. What with the protective Knight, an amorous ghost, assorted demons, vampires and the eponymous angel to deal with, the arrival of a flesh-and-blood Scot is just one more thing. And then there's the Frenchman in Pru's c-- (shhh, that's a spoiler!) Parts of this story made me laugh out loud. It is exquisitely funny in places, and oh-so-sad in others. It never fails to hold my interest. Linda Hays-Gibbs's mind-world is an enchanted and enchanting place. (So, what's the genre? Um.. sensual Gothic romance horror comedy Regency will do for starters...)
My Angel, My Light As Darkness Falls  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDjuhb5n9L4&feature=youtube_gdata_player





Sailing In My Sunshine is on nook and kindle


He Would Make Her Pay  is on kindle


Escape Into Magic  is on nook







These are links to my publisher and the sites to where you can by my books.








Eternal Press

"She is an ice princess.There is no blood in her veins.""She is a goddess. Introduce me." http://t.co/Yiqohm5Ich 





Comments (12)

Beatrice Nichols said

at 10:11 pm on Aug 8, 2010

You Rock!

Linda Hays-Gibbs said

at 10:15 pm on Feb 8, 2012

Thank you sweet girl. This is great fun.

Beatrice Nichols said

at 11:01 am on Sep 21, 2011

Very talented Lady!

Beatrice Nichols said

at 7:43 pm on Sep 22, 2011

Go to the above link and see my book on kindle "He Would Make Her Pay"
Go to Barnes and Noble and see "Escape into Magic" on Nook www.barnesandnoble.com
Go to Publish America's website and get the books cheaper: www.publilshamerica.com

Beatrice Nichols said

at 7:45 pm on Sep 22, 2011

My New book "My Angel, My Light, As Darkness Falls" will be published by Eternal Press and Damnation Books in Feb 2012

Linda Hays-Gibbs said

at 10:05 pm on Feb 8, 2012

ok Beatrice is my daughter, ain't she cute, and she has been trying to help her poor old mama do this web page so she is on here too. Lol

Linda Hays-Gibbs said

at 9:58 pm on Feb 8, 2012

My Publisher Eternal Press launched our books Feb. 7th, 2012 and it was a great day. We had a chat and had different people drop by and ask questions about our books. I enjoy the atmosphere at Eternal Press. Everyone tries to help you and that means so very much, especially to a new author. I am so excited about my book and Eternal Press. My book is for sale now at :
www.amazon.com and www.eternalpress.biz

Linda Hays-Gibbs said

at 10:16 pm on Feb 8, 2012

thank you again Bea

Linda Hays-Gibbs said

at 4:28 pm on May 22, 2012

I wish I knew how to to my own page better. Sorry, I can not seem to erase these comments I made.

Linda Hays-Gibbs said

at 5:36 pm on Jun 26, 2012

Contact me at:

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